Tuesday, March 15, 2011


V As a child, what did you imagine fame would be like?
BRITNEY SPEARS I don’t think I thought about “fame” when I was a child. I knew I wanted to perform and I knew I wanted to be on stage but I don’t think I ever thought about fame or what comes with being famous.
V Do you think you were destined to become a star?
BS If not, then God definitely has a strange sense of humor.
V Do you follow astrology?
BS A little. I like to believe there is a little magic in the world, but I also believe we choose our own path.
V When did you first realize you were famous?
BS Am I famous?
V Define a femme fatale.
BS A woman who is sexy and strong, dangerous and mysterious, cool and confident.
V If your Circus album represented a comeback, what does Femme Fatale represent?
BS I think Femme Fatale speaks for itself. I worked really hard on it and spent almost two years recording it. I think it’s the best album I have ever made. There’s nothing to say. I’ll let the music speak for me.

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